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Find the 'Flag Template' link at the bottom right of the website. Photocopy this template onto 1 red piece of paper, 1 blue, 1 yellow, 1 orange, 1 green and 1 grey/white. Laminate to extend the life of your flags.
Connect to a data projector and turn this on, along with the sound.
Choose the MAKEorBREAK game you want to play by clicking on it in the My Games section. There is a total of 60 questions maximum for curriculum and general knowledge games.
Separate your class into a maximum of SIX groups and allocate each group ONE of your photocopied coloured flags (pieces of paper).
How to use Team-mode
Click a question number to start playing.
The first group to have a person standing with their flag raised above their head gets a shot at the answer. (This means that teams must discuss the answer and settle on an answer BEFORE they stand up.)
If a team answers incorrectly, the second student to stand can have a go, etc.
If a student answers correctly, they can choose to MAKE one of their own castles or BREAK an opponent's castle. Click the blank square space to make, click on a castle to break!
It may be necessary to penalise a team by destroying a castle if they break major rules eg telling their team-mate an answer after they have stood up.
It can help to nominate a trusted student to be in charge of keeping score and building/destroying castles. This frees you up to decide which group answered first and second etc.
Team-mode also makes adjudication a lot easier.
It can be fun to add the odd ‘double-point score’ bonus from time to time. Before clicking on the next question, simply call out ‘double-point score’.
When entering your own questions, be aware that MAKEorBREAK works best with less text and not so much length in the answers.
MAKEorBREAK has a simple interface and flexible scoring options so that you can play it your way!
Your feedback is appreciated. Feel free to let us know your thoughts on improvements, tweaks etc.
For any further queries or tips, email me at: [email protected]
Make contact, I’d love to hear from you !